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Welcome to the blog!

I'm going to be honest.

I'm not the best blogger in the world.

I've tried to do blogs before and just forgot to write posts on them! So bare with me I'm going to attempt to make a commitment of at least 1 post every other week for now and if I get into the rhythm of doing that I'll try and up it to weekly! Right now that that's out of the way, hello and welcome! In this blog I'm going to try and keep you up to date with what I am doing in my arty world :) If you have read the 'About' page on this site then you will know I'm currently in my final year of doing BA(Hons) Degree in Fine Art. I'm now in my final stretch toward the end of my degree so there is a lot of work and a lot of preparations to get done before I can say I've finished a degree! So I will try and keep you up to date with what is going on with my work and in the studio!

Here's a photo of me so you know what I look like! I mean you may not want to know but oh well! :)

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