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Leaving University!

Opps. Look what happened. I didn't write ANY blog posts. I'm so bad, I'm sorry!! It feels like I made this website, started my blog then boooom! Busy busy busy. So yes I'm sorry I will try and be better.

So what's been going on. Well I've finished University! That's it. Three years has just flown started off a bit rocky with coming out of high school and stepping into university is how I can imagine Harry felt when he ran through the wall into platform 9 3/4. Suddenly you are surrounded with something new, something exciting and something terrifying. I had no idea what I was going to do or how this was going to go; as someone with very little confidence I felt like I didn't belong there at all.

But! I muddled through and now I'm out the other side feeling more confident, happier as well as feeling like I know myself so much more than when I started. University teaches you so many things apart from the obvious of learning about your chosen subject. You learn how to keep yourself alive by living away from your parents, you learn about friendship, you learn about yourself, etc. I can say university has helped me become a better person and I wouldn't change it for the world.

For some, university is bad. It just doesn't work for you, it isn't your thing; but do you know what? That's okay! EVERYBODY IS DIFFERENT!!! I went to a small university because being in a sea of people intimidates me and I prefer a more one to one method of teaching. Other people want to be in a big crowd. Then other people don't go to uni and find their own way. We can't put people into a box and expect them to do what it seems like everyone else is doing. I don't know I'm rambling. Sorry!

Anyway I'm going to finish this now. I am going to miss my university terribly; I am going to miss seeing my peers, I'm going to miss being surrounded by art, I'm going to miss the beautiful building but I am looking forward to the next step in my life! Bring on the future! (what a scary thing to say!)

Shannon :)

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